Research work applied to a pilot basin in Sierras Chicas, north of the city of Córdoba, in order to develop an Early Warning System for Floods, aimed at collaborating in the protection of urban areas. Installation of equipment, mathematical hydrological modeling and software design.

In order to develop an Early Warning System for Floods, mainly intended for use in the protection of urban areas, a research work was carried out, applied to a pilot basin in Sierras Chicas, north of the city of Córdoba. The basin includes the towns of Río Ceballos, Unquillo, Mendiolaza and Villa Allende.
The system was made up of an autonomous hydrometeorological measurement network, with real-time transmission to a monitoring center (3 rain gauges, 1 limnimeter and 1 complete meteorological station); mathematical hydrological and hydraulic models by which the runoff produced by the rains that fall in the basin is quantified; and a management system made up of software developed specifically for this purpose by EIH, which allows linking the different components of the system and issuing, depending on the results obtained, the necessary alerts to the stakeholders involved.