Study and Project of the stormwater drainage systems in twenty-seven (27) urbanizations planned and under construction in different provinces of Argentina, within the framework of the PROCREAR program. Evaluation of the impact of urbanizations on the drainage and design of the corresponding storm drainage networks.

The work contemplated the design of storm drains in twenty-seven (27) neighborhoods projected and under construction in different Argentine provinces, within the framework of the “Programa de Crédito Argentino del Bicentenario para la Vivienda Única Familiar” (PRO.CRE.AR), and had as object of the evaluation of the impact of urbanizations on the drainage of stormwater in the project area and the planning and design of the works required for an adequate management of excessive rain
The works included hydrological and hydraulic studies of the supply basins, alignment and design of storm drains within the premises and calculation and budget of the works.
In this context, studies and projects were carried out on more than 280 hectares in a total of 25 properties, distributed in 16 provinces of the Argentine Republic: MENDOZA, CORRIENTES, MISIONES, CHUBUT, NEUQUÉN, SAN LUIS, LA RIOJA, SANTA FE, CHACO, JUJUY, SALTA, SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO, SANTA CRUZ, TIERRA DEL FUEGO, BUENOS AIRES.